"Instead of the reality shows on telly, which don't have the retention factor, you can view the FameBox Fashion channel on YouTube any time you click. And with digital integration and mobiles loaded with apps, browsing the net on move at any time of day is the next in thing. Becoming a couch potato is passe," Dhruvank Vaidya, organizers of the unique show told PTI.
"As online presence takes over the world, I am really happy to be a part of the first ever web reality show, American Swan Beauty and the Blogger. Not only will it be fun and edgy it will also give an opportunity to push young fashion talent onto bigger runaways and maybe even become blogging beauties!"Anusha Dandekar, Indian VJ, Actor and Singer, who is part of jury team, said.
The winning fashion model will be the face of American Swan, the country's fastest growing premium lifestyle apparel brand whereas the winning blogger shall be its social media brand ambassador, Dhurvank, Director of Famebox said.
Malini Agarwal aka MissMalini, India's first and most famous celebrity blogger will act as a mentor for the contesting bloggers.