The incident took place yesterday when Ankit Chauhan (26), a software engineer at Tata consultancy services, was returning home after having lunch with his wife Ameesha at her office. A Honda accord overtook his SUV and two men in the car fired bullets at him, they said.
The assailants first fired at the windscreen of Ankit's car. Thereafter, they fired from the side and then came out of their car and fired at Ankit. The bullet hit his neck following which the accused fled from the spot, police said.
"It appears to be a preplanned murder over some personal enmity. Loot was not the motive," SSP Preetinder Singh said.
The victim's brother Naresh told police that he was talking to Ankit on phone when the incident took place. Ankit had told him that someone was following him.
The accused allegedly used a fake number plate on their car as the plate was found to be that of another car registered at Ghaziabad, police said.