Sepoy Kishori Lal, a resident of Dhar village of Kishtwar district in Jammu, was killed yesterday while he was patrolling the anti-infiltration fence along the LoC in Machil sector, defence spokesman Col N N Joshi said here.
The soldier slipped and fell into the gorge while he was involved in resuscitating the anti-infiltration fence which was damaged due to the heavy snowfall this year, Joshi said.
"Resuscitating of the anti-infiltration fence is undertaken every year soon after snow melts. This is vital to maintain a robust anti-infiltration posture and prevent infiltration of terrorists through the highly treacherous areas along the LoC," he said.
Paying tributes to the soldier,General Officer Commanding of the Srinagar-based Chinar Corps, Lt Gen Satish Dua, saluted his courage and selflessness.
"His commitment to work can be gauged from the fact that he volunteered to supervise the work in the most difficult part of the terrain," the corps commander said.