"Sahitya Akademi has started sending back the awards to the writers...It has already been sent to Nayantara Sahgal. Another writer Nand Bhardwaj has also agreed to take back the award. It would be sent to other writers as well," Sahitya Akademi president Vishwanath Prasad Tiwari told PTI.
He said the Akademi is also sending a copy of their resolution, which was passed in the October meeting, to all writers mentioning that there was no provision in its constitution to return the honours.
On October 23, Sahitya Akademi passed a unanimous resolution appealing to state and central governments to take steps to prevent such incidents and asked authors to take back the awards they had returned to protest against "rising intolerance".
"The Akademi strongly condemns the killing of writer Kalburgi and appeals to the state and central government to take steps to prevent such incidents in the future," Krishnaswamy Nachimuthu, an executive committee board member had said, after the nearly two-hour meeting.
According to the source, Sahgal decided to take back her award as there is no provision to return the award, while Rajasthani writer Bhardwaj was "satisfied" with the response of the Akademi, condemning incidents of violence against writers.