She was to speak today after BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi initiated the debate on the bill in the Lok Sabha. However, the House was adjourned as TDP members raised slogans demanding justice for Seemandhra when Joshi started speaking.
Sources said Congress is making all efforts to ensure that the House runs smoothly during the debate on the bill. The ruling party has reportedly reached out to TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu to prevent its MPs from disrupting the House.
Three to four leaders from the Congress are likely to speak on the issue. A total of six hours have been alloted for debate on this crucial bill. Gandhi will speak soon after Joshi finishes his speech.
The bill is said to be dear to Gandhi who as chairperson of the National Advisory Council played a key role in the formulation and introduction of this measure in Parliament. She has mounted opposition from certain sections of the government, including from the allies.