The Chief Minister, through video conferencing, asked the DCs to take all measures to provide pure drinking water and essential medicines as these were important to prevent outbreak of communicable diseases.
Sonowal asked the DCs to maintain constant touch with the MLAs of their respective districts and work in coordination to reach out to the affected people, rescue them and help them with relief materials.
Asking the DCs to press doctors into service and take care of the health and hygiene of camp inmates, he also asked them to take special care of the babies there and provide paediatric care and baby food.
Taking note of the plight of flood affected people, he mooted the idea of building community centres in the affected places so that people can take shelter during the recurring floods in the state.
The Chief Minister also wanted the DCs to provide adequate fodder stock and take measures for the protection of animals including wild animals in Kaziranga National Park and other wild life sanctuaries.