/ -- For every cricket fan out there, My11Circle comes with an opportunity that's not to be missed. My11Circle join hands with Saurav Ganguly, coming up with a unique and fun tournament. What makes the tournament different from others is the inputs coming from none other than Saurav Ganguly himself.
(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/768283/Play_Games_Logo.jpg )
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/893354/My11Circle_DadaKaVada.jpg )
Sourav Ganguly commented, "This is a unique contest on My11Circle app. I will thoroughly enjoy participating in the same because I am playing with all the Indian cricket fans. I am sure they will also enjoy it. Whoever beats my team will get 5 times more cash and if you are best at it throughout the tournament, you will take home cash prize of 1 Crore."
Avik Das Kanungo, Brand Head of Play Games24x7 shares, "This is our way of taking the fantasy game-playing experience to the next level. On My11Circle you don't just compete with each other, but get to test your mettle against the real cricketer, in this case I would say the cricketer and ex-captain who is the architect of modern Indian cricket. I hope every cricket fan will cherish this opportunity to play with their beloved Dada."