"BJP and SP have got communal riots done in Muzaffarnagar for the sake of vote bank politics. We have to prevent Narendra Modi from becoming Prime Minister of this country," RLD chief said while addressing a rally, held in support of Congress candidate Raj Babbar, in Sanjay Nagar area of the district.
Taking a dig at the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on the issue of governance, the Union Minister said "four and half" chief ministers were running the government in the state.
One chief minister passes order and other three-and-half stop that order.
The RLD chief also said that there was no Modi wave in the country, adding that any such wave was only seen in newspaper and news channels "where BJP is investing crores of rupees to promote him".
He also said that the development of this area and its people has completely been taken a backseat.