Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday accused the Samajwadi Party, Bahujan Samaj Party and the Congress of looting public resources and building big bungalows for themselves using government funds.
Addressing election rallies in Kushinagar, Ghosi and Gorakhpur, Adityanath claimed that the SP-BSP-RLD alliance was worried after seeing India "growing and developing" each passing day.
"The SP, BSP and the Congress have looted the resources of the public. They never built houses for the poor, but made sure to build their big bungalows using government funds," Adityanath said. "These parties have never done any work in public interest. They kept the public in dark because thieves do not like full-moon night."
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader took a jibe at SP chief Akhilesh Yadav and said: "When the Supreme Court had ordered (Akhilesh) to vacate the bungalow, 'babua' stole the government tap (from the vacated house). He had misused the government funds during his tenure too."
The chief minister appealed to the people to reject those who play the "politics" of caste and creed. "We made sure to free 54,000 hectares from the land mafia who were nurtured during the tenures of the SP and the BSP. We took initiatives to construct schools, hospitals and cow shelters."