Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav's wife and local MP, Dimple Yadav today claimed the Samajwadi Party-led government has done more development work in two years than any other government in the past.
Dimple, who arrived here in a helicopter, took part in a road show in her parliamentary constituency and also took a halt at the party's district office where she was given a rousing reception by party workers.
Addressing party workers, the SP MP said the development of the constituency is her responsibility and she would work towards Kannauj discovering its own identity.
Dimple's road show covered about 50 kms long route covering rural parts of the constituency, where she was welcomed with loud pro-SP sloganeering. She had filed her nomination papers on April 3.
Dimple, who arrived here in a helicopter, took part in a road show in her parliamentary constituency and also took a halt at the party's district office where she was given a rousing reception by party workers.
Addressing party workers, the SP MP said the development of the constituency is her responsibility and she would work towards Kannauj discovering its own identity.
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Dimple claimed the SP has taken up works concerning roads, bridges, electrification here and the constituency was on its way to progress.
Dimple's road show covered about 50 kms long route covering rural parts of the constituency, where she was welcomed with loud pro-SP sloganeering. She had filed her nomination papers on April 3.