On the complaint of Apna Dal MLA Anupriya Patel that it was undignified of RLD MLAs to strip inside the House in the presence of women MLAs, the Speaker has asked the conduct committee to give its report following which action would be taken, Principal Secretary of the Vidhan Sabha Pradip Dubey said.
Yesterday, BSP and RLD members raised anti-government slogans and protested during joint address by the Governor to the session during which two RLD members Sudesh Kumar and Veerpal took off their 'kurtas' in protest against the SP led government for allegedly not paying the arrears of sugarcane growers of western Uttar Pradesh.
"The behaviour (of the two MLAs) was feudal and depicted their insensitivity towards women.. All the ladies in the House felt immensely awkward," she said.
The incident also degraded the dignity and image of the august House, Patel said, adding, that though it is the job of the Opposition to raise issues relating to people but in a proper and dignified manner.
"He ought to have mediated with seriousness," she said.