Three special trains, one each toDelhi, Odisha and Jharkhand with nearly 4,000 people, departed from here and two other terminals in Tamil Nadu on Friday, Southern Railway said.The train for Delhi left from here with 950 passengers, another from Coimbatore to Balasore in Odisha carrying 1464 people.Also, one more train left from Katpadi (Vellore) to TATA Nagar in Jharkhand ferrying 1464 passengers.While a big chunk of the passengers were guest workers, there were several others who had come to Vellore for getting medical treatment at the CMC Medical College Hospital."Thermal screening of passengers done and social distancing ensured while boarding and on board," General Manager, Southern Railway said on his twitter handle.Already, several special trains have left for States including Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal and Manipur from Tamil Nadu.