In a letter dated August 3 to Singh, which was released by the state government today, Jayalalithaa said the incident shows SPG in "very poor light."
She said when DGP K Ramanujam was walking towards the ladder point of PM's aircraft, "he was rudely accosted and prevented from approaching the aircraft by a lower level officer of the SPG, who was part of the security team on duty."
The Chief Minister said she had been informed that a detailed list of those who would receive the Prime Minister at ladder point, including the DGP, had been sent and was duly confirmed by the Prime Minister's Office on August 1.
"That such an outrageous incident involving the state DGP who was part of the confirmed list of persons for the reception and send off line up approved by the Prime Minister's Office shows up the officers of the SPG in very poor light."
She said it was the DGP who was responsible for the elaborate security arrangements to ensure a peaceful and trouble-free atmosphere during Prime Minister's visit to Tamil Nadu.