The promotional offer, which follows similar schemes like 'Jaldi Jaldi' of Air India, is valid for sale till January 13 from today, for travel between February 1 and April 30, a SpiceJet spokesperson said.
The SpiceJet's move could force other airlines to follow suit, thus initiating a fare war, industry sources felt.
The 'Big Sale' offer would be valid for bookings made through SpiceJet's website, online travel agents and other travel agencies only, the spokesperson said, adding the fares are available for direct flights only.
"The offer truly provides an opportunity for all air travellers to fly at such a low price. The scheme offers an opportunity for travellers to fly even at lower than train fares," SpiceJet CEO Neil Mills said.
The sale was announced a day after rail fares were hiked by the government.
Through a major part of the day, the SpiceJet site remained busy, with visitors getting the message, "Our online booking site is currently experiencing heavy traffic. Please try again later."
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Similar schemes have been launched in the recent past by some airlines to boost their passenger loads.
After receiving a good response to a similar promotional offer for its domestic air tickets in November last, Air India had launched a special all-inclusive promotional return fare scheme on its international flights last month.