Following the result, the stock climbed 5.77 per cent to settle at Rs 26.60 on the BSE. In intra-day trade, it rose sharply by 8.34 per cent to Rs 27.25 - one-year high.
On the volume front, 183.66 lakh shares of the company changed hands at the BSE during the day.
SpiceJet posted its second straight quarterly profit at Rs 71.8 crore for the April-June period, helped by a steep 42 per cent reduction in costs and higher seat-occupancy.
Snapping seven-straight quarters of loss, the budget carrier had returned to the black with a Rs 22.1 crore net profit in the three months ended March, 2015 after original promoter Ajay Singh took control.
However, SpiceJet's sales from operations declined by 34 per cent to Rs 1,106.3 crore in the first quarter of current fiscal. In year-ago period, it stood at Rs 1,691.04 crore.