The Special Cell of Delhi Police arrested Ganpat (32) from Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday. They also recovered two mobile handsets along with two SIM cards used by him to communicate with his associates for drug trafficking activities.
Ganpat is already wanted in cases of NDPS Act by Guwahati and Delhi Police.
Police had earlier arrested two drug suppliers, Dharamraj and Chander Sekhar and recovered heroin weighing 1.5 kg from them. Their interrogation led to the arrest of Javed Khan and Pankaj, both resident of Bareilly, who supplied drugs to Delhi and NCR through their couriers.
During investigation, it was found that Javed Khan, Pankaj and Ganpat used to transfer money from their bank accounts to the bank accounts provided by three drug suppliers in Manipur.
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"In total 14 such bank accounts in Manipur and Bareilly have been identified. Eight bank accounts used by Manipur- based suppliers for this purpose have been identified. Accused Ganpat himself had transferred more than Rs 2 crore into these accounts. All the 14 bank accounts have been freezed,"he said.
Ganpat further disclosed that Illahi and others used to get consignments of smuggled heroin at the border of India and Myanmar in Manipur.
"Trio used to send big consignments of heroin to Ganpat, Javed and Pankaj in Bareilly in UP. These three Bareilly-based drug suppliers used to send the said heroin to various parts of country including Delhi. Narco-Terrorism angle is also being investigated," said Yadav.
Ganpat has been supplying heroin for last 12 years. Both Ashique Ilahi and Ganpat are presently in police remand. Further investigation in the case was on, police said.