Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Managing Director Mangu Singh said the initiative, named 'Metro Mitra' (friends of Metro), is a "very relevant" action plan when it comes to ensuring security and quality services to the commuters of this network which witnesses close to 26 lakh footfalls in a day, across its 147 stations in the national capital region.
It aims to connect thousands of commuters with Metro officials, he said.
The DMRC boss said despite facing technical and human challenges in the Metro, the services were being restored in the shortest possible time.
There are a number of suicide cases that are taking place in Delhi Metro, Singh said, and this is "very unfortunate".
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The chief of Central Industrial Security Forces' DMRC security unit SDD Singh said the force would urge the passengers to be their "eye and ears".
"Say something when you see something (in the Metro)," Singh, the CISF Deputy Inspector General in-charge of Metro security operations, said.