The Union Council of Ministers, Leaders of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, States/UTs Sports Ministers, Standing Committee/Consultative Members of MYAS (Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports) have been sent the Draft Sports Bill for their views.
In his letter, Jitendra stressed on the importance of bringing about transparency and good governance in sports in the country.
"The Government has been highlighting for some time now the need for bringing about reforms in the management and governance of sports in order to make it more responsive, responsible and result-oriented," said Jitendra in the letter.
The draft bill was then placed on the website of the Ministry (www.Yas.Nic.In) inviting comments from all stake-holders as well as general public latest by July 31.
The Ministry is also forwarding the draft bill to various National Sports Federations for their comments/views.
After incorporating the comments received from all sources, the Ministry will forward the draft bill to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for its views.