"Out of Rs 6 crore sanctioned to Government of Rajasthan for construction of a multipurpose indoor Hall at Karauli, a sum of Rs. 1.80 crore is being released by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports as first instalment," a release said.
The balance amount will be released in two instalments after receipt of Utilisation Certificate and settlement of accounts for the sum of Rs. 1.80 crore being released now.
"Out of Rs. 5,97,79,000 sanction to Government of Chattisgarh for construction of a Multi-purpose Indoor Hall at Kondagaon, District Kondagaon under USIS, a sum of Rs.1.80 crore is being released as first instalment."
The emaining amount will be released in two instalments after receipt of Utilisation Certificate and settlement of accounts for the sum of Rs. 1.80 crore being released now.
The scheme aims at construction of Synthetic playing surface (for hockey, football and athletics) and multi-purpose indoor hall.
State Governments, Local Civic Bodies, Schools, Colleges and Universities under Central/ State Governments and Sports Control Boards are eligible to receive financial assistance under this scheme.