A special cell of the Delhi police arrested Sreesanth and his teammates -- Ajit Chandila and Ankeet Chavan -- in Mumbai early this morning for indulging in spot-fixing in at least three IPL matches as per arrangements with bookies who have underworld connections abroad.
The players, who have been suspended by the BCCI, have been brought to Delhi and charged under section 420 (cheating) and 120-B (criminal conspiracy).
Addressing a crowded press conference, Delhi Police Commissioner Neeraj Kumar said 14 bookies have also been arrested in connection with the same case. The Delhi Police are looking for two more bookies but have ruled out any other player's involvement in the case.
The police revealed explosive details of the modus operandi followed by bookies and the cricketers, giving audio-visual proof of three IPL matches which were manipulated.
Kumar revealed how bookies gave the caught players specific approval codes which were used to signify a compromised over during the matches.
A shocked BCCI promptly suspended the three players from the IPL and referred the matter to its Disciplinary Committee for further action. A top BCCI source indicated that the trio could be banned for life.