Metropolitan Magistrate Saumya Chauhan extended the police custody of Sreesanth, who looked tense during the court proceedings, Ankeet Chavan and Ajit Chandila till May 26 after Delhi Police said it needed to make more recoveries and the accused are required to be confronted with each other.
The court sent four arrested bookies--Rakesh Oberoi, Dipit Garg, Ajay Goel and Amit Gupta--to jail till June 4 as the Special Cell of Delhi Police submitted their custodial interrogation was over.
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The three cricketers and 11 bookies were produced in the court after expiry of their five-day police custody while the 15th accused, former Ranji player Baburao Yadav, was arrested this morning.
Seeking five days more custody of the accused, the police said the probe is going on in the case and it also needs to analyse all the recorded conversations of the players and the bookies.
Investigators also told the court that they have taken the voice samples of the accused to match them with their recorded conversations.