"The average Market Clearing Price (MCP) in July was Rs 2.16 per unit, 7 per cent less over Rs 2.31 per unit in June '16," IEX said in a press statement on power trade on its platform in July.
According to the statement, increased hydel generation due to the monsoon season and easing of inter-state transmission congestion were the key factors that led to price reduction.
This July, IEX said, 3,581 MUs (million units) were transacted through IEX Day-Ahead Market, the highest ever. This was higher by 14 per cent over 3,147 MUs traded in June 2016.
On a daily average basis, close to 116 MUs were traded, 10 per cent increase over 105 MUs traded last month. The market saw average daily purchase bids of 5,360 MW and average daily sell bids of 9,061 MW. With the sell bids far exceeding the buy bids, the market remained favourable to buyers.
About 68 MUs were lost due to transmission congestion in July as compared to 100 MUs in the previous month (June). On a daily basis, about 2 MUs were lost, it added.