Bhavani Singh was not eligible to be appointed as the SPP in the High Court by the Tamil Nadu Government as he was only engaged for the trial court proceedings as a "restricted appointment" by the Karnataka Government, which also has the authority to choose him in the appeal, the court said.
However, it said the annulment of SPP does not warrant "de novo" (fresh) hearing of appeals which has been heard at length by the High Court and the judgement has been reserved.
The apex court said Karnataka became the sole prosecuting agency as the case was transferred to Bangalore from Tamil Nadu and its interference in appointment of Bhavani Singh was an indication of the government's "anxiety" about the "troubles of future".
"The state of Tamil Nadu had no authority to appoint Bhavani Singh as the Public Prosecutor to argue the appeal. It is the State of Karnataka which is the sole prosecuting agency and it was alone authorized to appoint the Public Prosecutor.