Director of Sports, Ranjani Jayakodi said she had referred back to SLC management the nomination papers of the incumbent Upali Dharmadasa and the third candidate Sumith Perera.
"Objections have been raised on the nominations of Mr Dharmadasa and Mr Perera that they do not fall in line with section 11(5) of the SLC constitution and that they have not played first-class cricket and in the absence of that, they have not obtained the sports minister's consent to contest," Jayakodi said.
Earlier, the Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage had appointed a three-member committee to look at the suitability of the front-runner Thilanga Sumathipala to contest.
This was in the face of accusations that Sumathipala's business empire's dealings were not falling in line with the ICC regulations on national governing body office-bearers.