Srinivasan, who resumed charge as BCCI chief after a Supreme Court ruling on Tuesday, said that the India Board has nothing to do with who becomes the CSA Chief Executive.
Asked if it's true that the proposed home series against South Africa will not happen unless Lorgat is removed as CSA CEO, Srinivasan said, "Not at all. CSA can appoint anybody. Who are we to say anything about it? There was an internal discussion in BCCI. We felt that we needed more in-bound tours during our main season.
"And as far as South Africa is concerned, the president of Cricket South Africa is coming to meet us in the next couple of days. There are some challenges in the scheduling. We are not saying that you (CSA) have to do this, that or the other. We have our own challenges. They are coming to meet us. We will discuss with them," he told 'CNN-IBN'.
"All I try to do is get a fair deal for India, for BCCI; that is all that I try to do. There is no question of bullying anybody. All our cricket nations have their own boards, they are sovereign. But, possibly more than before, I'm looking at the interest of the BCCI and trying to see how BCCI's interests are protected. To that extent, yes.