"Income Tax authorities have carried out searches at the house of Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary. This is unprecedented in Tamil Nadu's political history," he said in a statement hours after raids commenced at over a dozen locations in connection with I-T's tax evasion probe against Rao's son and few other relatives.
The official residence of the Chief Secretary here is also understood to have been brought under the said operation.
The total seizure in the case is overRs 170 crore in a single case related to action against sand mining operators and few others in the state, including S Reddy who was also on the panel of a religious shrine body.
(Reopns MDS3)
Meanwhile, CPI(M) said Rao has "lost the qualification" to continue as Chief Secretary following I-T authorities conducting searches at his premises.
"Therefore, Tamil Nadu government should immediately relieve Rama Mohan Rao from the post of Chief Secretary," CPI (M) state secretary G Ramakrishnan said.