Tollywood producer Allu Aravind launched the 'Hyderabad Dialysis Club', which doctors at the hospital said is a forum where end stage kidney disease patients can interact with each other and learn about various interventions which can improve their health while on dialysis.
On the occasion, the website of 'Hyderabad Dialysis Club' was also launched.
"The prevalence of kidney disease has increased alarmingly in the recent past in the country, with over ten lakh patients suffering from end stage kidney disease requiring dialysis, and a further two lakh patients added every year who require regular dialysis," Dr Rajashekar Chakravarthi, Head of Nephorology at STAR Hospitals said.
"Over 4,000 patients undergo dialysis in Hyderabad and under the auspices of this Club, patients on dialysis in any unit of the city can meet on a monthly basis and interact with other patients/doctors/ dietitians," he added.
Recently the team at STAR Hospitals performed 'Dual Kidney Transplantation', wherein two kidneys from a cadaver donor were transplanted into a single recipient.
"The patient is doing well now, he is off dialysis, and having normal kidney function," said Dr Gopichand Mannam, Managing Director, STAR Hospitals.