Looking a bit worse for wear after its intergalactic adventures, the so-called DL-44 Blaster -- which Ford used in the two 1980s blockbuster movies -- is estimated to be worth USD 200,000 to USD 300,000.
It's the same prop Darth Vader lassoed out of Solo's hand with the Force in "Empire," and which he wrestled back from a Stormtrooper in "Jedi," said Invaluable on its website (www.Invaluable.Com).
Its vintage boxy design was inspired by the Mauser C96, a German pistol made in large numbers from 1896 to 1937 -- although the auctioneers stressed that the prop cannot fire actual bullets.
Put on sale by a collector of Star Wars memorabilia, the item is open for bidding until December 21 alongside other pistols and guns used by Ford in "Blade Runner" and "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.