The Disney sci-fi epic, featuring original franchise stars Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher and newcomers Oscar Isaac, John Boyega and Daisy Ridley, skyrocketed to number one, easily eclipsing the USD 209 million debut previously set by "Jurassic World" in June, reported New York Times.
The huge figure makes it the highest-grossing movie debut in the US and Canada since box office records began, not accounting for inflation, while it also sets a new record for a December opening, more than doubling the USD 84.6 million made by "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" in 2012.
"Our sole focus has been creating a film that delivers that one-of-a-kind Star Wars experience, and director JJ Abrams, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy, and the Lucasfilm team have outdone themselves," read a press release from Alan Horn, chairman of Walt Disney Studios.
"To all of the fans around the world who not only came out in Force to make this such an exciting and astronomical debut, but who treated this film as their own and helped preserve the experience for their fellow fans by not spoiling it - thank you, we do."