According to Sr PI R D Shinde and API Gulabrao Patil of Shanti Nagar police station, the ornaments weighing over one kilogram, hidden inside a bed was recovered from Aftab Mehmood Ahmed Ansari's residence in Pirnani Pada of Shantinagar after a raid in the weekend.
According to Aftab, the ornaments were given to him by two persons who wanted him to keep it safe custody.
Police have launched a manhunt for the absconding duo who allegedly stole it from Southern states of Karnataka and Andhra.
The seized ornaments (80 pieces) comprised bangles, chains, necklaces, mangalsutra, rings etc.
The pattern of the seized ornaments was similar to the ones which are made in southern states, police said.
Police has appealed citizens especially those from the southern states to contact them on 02522-231250- Shanti Nagar police station if their ornaments have been stolen so that they can help the victims trace it.