"India has always been a land of storytellers. The hat of elder members in family telling stories to kids has now been donned by professional storytellers but the art still continues to be cherished by kids as it used to be earlier," says Michal Malinowski.
Malinowski who is Director of the Storytelling Museum of Poland says, "Storytelling has picked up as a booming profession in recent years but it is no cake walk. Interacting with kids and making them believe you and enjoy your story involves creativity and a set of skills".
"A majority of the stories that are popular among the storytellers are inspired from Indian origin. Its up to the storytellers creativity and use of props that the stories sound new the very presentation," says Michal who has co- authored a book Polish Folktales and Folklore after he contributed to the revival of a storytelling movement in Poland.
Katha, a 25 year old NGO which has been providing a platform to the ones bitten by the storytellers bug for years has recently launched a new series "I Love Reading Storytelling Workshops" to bring all children into reading for fun as well as for pleasure. MORE PTI