Gujarat chief minister VijayRupani promised strict action against people violating lockdown rules in force to combat the novel coronavirus outbreak.The state has declared partial lockdown in Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Surat, Vadodara, Kutch, Devbhoomi Dwarka and Rajkot districts."I have instructed police to take action against those who are flouting lockdown norms. Before flouting rules of lockdown, one has to understand the situation in Europe. Developed countries like Germany, Italy, Spain have over 20,000 cases each. New York had five thousand cases in a day," Rupani said."The lockdown is to stop the spread of the disease. It is for general well being of the society. One should not think that we do not face any threat after we observed Janta curfew on Sunday. This has to be observed till March 31 if we have to win the fight against coronavirus," he said.He assured people there was no shortage of essential items like milk, vegetables and food.In several areas, police have started punishing people flouting lockdown norms by making them do sit-ups.