As per the the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Act, 2015, actions like tonsuring of head, moustache, or similar acts which are derogatory to the dignity of members of SCs and STs, will now be treated as offences of atrocities.
The offences include denying access to irrigation facilities or forest rights, "garlanding with chappals", compelling them to dispose or carry human or animal carcasses, or to dig graves, using or permitting manual scavenging, dedicating a SC or ST women as devadasi and abusing in caste name.
Impeding certain activities related to voting especially vote or not vote for a particular candidate will also be considered an offence.
"Certain criminal (IPC) offences like hurt, grievous hurt, intimidation, kidnapping etc, attracting less than ten years of imprisonment, committed against members of SC/ST, will be treated as offences punishable under the PoA Act.
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There is an addition of chapter on the 'Rights of Victims
and Witnesses' in the Act. It also clearly defines the term 'wilful negligence' of public servants at all levels, starting from the registration of complaint, and covering aspects of dereliction of duty under this Act.
There is also an addition of presumption to the offences as in if the accused was acquainted with the victim or his family, the court will presume that the accused was aware of the caste or tribal identity of the victim unless proved otherwise.
The Bill was given Presidential assent on December 31 last year and was notified in the Gazette of India Extraordinary on January 01, 2016.
After framing the rules for enactment, now it will be enforced by the central government with effect from tomorrow.