"We are getting very good cooperation from foreign regulators, while Sebi is also very prompt in replying to information requests from its overseas peers," the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) Chairman U K Sinha said.
With markets getting more global every passing day, manipulators and those indulging in various kinds of investor frauds have also begun operating across the countries in a big way and it may be difficult to crack whip on them in the absence of coordinated efforts and proper information sharing by regulators from the concerned countries.
IOSCO is a global body of securities regulators from across the world and sets international standards for various regulations and reforms in capital markets space.
"We are getting very good response from all the foreign regulators. Our preparedness on IOSCO principles is considered very highly. We are getting very good response," Sinha said.
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During last fiscal 2012-13, Sebi received 37 'requests for information' from overseas securities regulators. Besides, Sebi made nine such requests to respective regulators of other countries during the year.
According to the latest Financial Sector Assessment Program conducted by IMF, India has 'fully implemented' this IOSCO principle and Sebi has provided evidence that it has effectively cooperated with foreign counterparties.