After extensive research, the GSI scientists have found important minerals in western Rajasthan and recent studies have indicated gold and copper deposits in Alwar's Mundiyawas-Khera village and Banswara's Bhukhya village, the DG said while inaugurating the 26th All-India Athlete Competition of GSI here.
Further research on these two metals is underway, he said, adding that Rajasthan is rich in mineral deposits.
The DG said besides underground exploration of minerals, GSI will soon launch airborne survey of minerals hidden in earth in Rajasthan with the help of latest technology. He said a helicopter has earlier been used in southern India for mineral exploration or spotting.
The DG said GSI has been active in predicting natural calamities like landslide and added that a team of scientists is doing a research on landslide-prone areas so that an Uttarakhand-like tragedy can be predicted.