The helpline got 160 complaints related to power supply followed by 18 complaints related to street lights, 10 connection related, 8 theft, 1 vigilance and 1 billing related and 1 in the others category.
Apart from that 113 complaints were related to BSES Rajdhani Power Limited, 72 related to BSES Yamuna Power Limited, 14 related to Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited and two others.
"In more than 60 per cent cases, the individual lodging the grievance was contacted back on phone to get feedback and ascertain that his complaint was resolved," said a Power department official.
The distribution companies have their existing dedicated numbers for registration of complaints.
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"Government has been endeavouring to ensure efficient services and effective grievances resolution mechanism and this initiative will empower the citizens in getting relief during the summer months. Besides, this will also help the Government effectively monitor the performance of the Discoms," said Ankur Garg, Additional Secretary (Power).
Officials however, said that it has been noticed that many consumers are directly contacting the Government helpline.