: Sun Television Network on Thursdaysaid its employees and those belonging to its group entites would contribute their one day's salary amounting to Rs 10 crore to COVID-19 relief funds."In an expression of solidarity with the nation's collective fight against the virus, the employees of SUN TV and other affiliated group companies numbering more than 6,000 will contribute one day's salary", SUN TV Network said in a statement.The city-based group said it was exploring options to leverage resources, including media assets, so that greater awareness can be spread among viewers across the country and globally about the pandemic.The money would be donated to programmes taken up by Central and state governments by partnering with non- governmental organisations, financial assistance to daily wage earners among others.SUN Group has 33 television channels and has 45 FM radio stations, two daily newspapers, five magazines. It also runs IPL franchise Sunrisers Hyderabad.