"The Lovers and the Despot," a documentary by British filmmakers Ross Adam and Robert Cannan, traces the bizarre tale of director Shin Sang-ok and actress Choi Eun-hee, the golden couple of South Korean cinema in the 1960s.
"We approached this project with an open mind but, like most people, when you first hear the story, it does seem too fantastic to be true," Cannan said. "Essentially our opinion shifted that way and this way as we made the film."
As they struggled to revive their careers, both were kidnapped on orders of movie-mad Kim Jong-il, who was bent on using them to make films that could compete on the international stage.
At the time, Kim had not yet succeeded his father as North Korea's leader.
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Choi was the first to be abducted in 1977, while on a trip to Hong Kong where she was lured to discuss a movie deal.
Realizing their predicament, the couple cooperated with Kim, producing a series of movies and winning his trust.