Shetty arranged all the funds required for treating Lila, the daughter of Krisna, a security guard at his house.
The girl, from remote Badai village in Dandeldhura district of western Nepal, was in a serious condition with brain-related problems before her treatment began at a private hospital in Mumbai on October 12.
After an initial assessment, the doctors estimated that the girl's entire treatment will cost a huge sum, impossible for the family to arrange.
Since Krisna joined the job recently, he did not have the courage to ask Shetty for help. The actor took note of the sad face of his employee and on learning about his problem, Shetty reportedly told Krisna: "Start the child's treatment, whether it takes, one lakh or ten lakh, I shall bear the expenses."
Lila is the youngest among three sisters in the family. She has now started talking as her condition improves slowly, family sources said.