Apart from Anand Kumar's Super 30, two others academic institutions, namely Japan's educational club, which works for education to children from lower and middle classes, and France's reading and writing club, working with a mission to arrest declining educational standards in the country, find berth as initiatives across the world by Japanese media group Aashi Shinbun.
According to Asahi Shinbun, Anand Kumar himself could not go to Cambridge University to pursue higher education despite getting admission due to acute financial constraints, but the pangs of poverty intrigued him and resulted in the birth of Super 30 for children from underprivileged sections.
"It gives pleasure and inspiration that people across the globe are concerned with poor and are eager to contribute," he said.
Earlier, media from Japan, France, UK, Canada and various other countries had made films on Anand's Super 30. Yoichi Itoh, Chief Economist STB Research Institute was the first to make a film on Super 30 for NHK Channel.