Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on Friday asked the development company to purchase electricity from the exchanges or enter into short-term agreements with power producers for supplying electricity to the investors who have set up their businesses at Mihan.
"We have been notified as a distribution licensee for MADC SEZ area by the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) in December last year.
"As per the CM's direction, we will buy power from various sources and supply at subsidised rates to ensure projects are not stalled," MADC Vice-Chairman and Managing Director Tanaji Satre told PTI here.
The move comes after certain investors stalled operations due to higher electricity costs.
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Investors include Air India.
Air India is setting up an maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) at Mihan.
In November 2007, MADC and Abhijeet Group signed an agreement, wherein the two were to form a joint venture to set up a power plant for supplying power solely to the industries located inside Mihan at rate of Rs 2.97 per unit.
Mahavitaran, however, has been offlate supplying power to these units at over Rs 10 per unit.