A high-level Delhi Police team which recently visited the city in Gujarat to study its CCTV system said that replicating a model which has only 104 cameras would hardly do for Delhi, a city where the number of CCTV cameras on its streets would soon be touching 9,000.
In Surat, a total of 104 CCTV cameras have been installed at 26 strategic locations across the city as part of a unique project which has been undertaken under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model.
According to the official, the CCTV camera surveillance system in Surat was launched in January last year and is run by a trust consisting of eminent citizens and industrialists of the city.
Surat has a bustling textile industry along with manufacturing units of major companies like Larsen and Toubro, Reliance Petrochemicals, ONGC etc.
Those who become members of the trust are in a win-win situation as they get a tax benefit and also a secure environment in the city where they have their say.
"Here the usual tender system which causes delays in project implementation is not followed. Instead, there is a committee drawn from amongst the trustees, who are already experts in their fields, and it chooses the best vendor of any technology needed for the project," the official said.