In Enterprise Class, the duo of Hemant Kumar and P Karthick Kumar of CESC achieved a grand total of 17 points in all the 10 races conducted so far.
They took pole position today by winning Race number 8 and standing at second and fourth position in Race number 9 and 10 respectively, a release from the organisers said.
The duo of Vignesh and Powenraj of CESC and Madhu and Lavin HK of TSC were at second and third positions with 19 and 20 points, respectively, it said.
In Laser Standard, wind speed ranged from 12 to 22 knots during all three races. The category was dominated by Army Yachting Node (AYN) sailor Gitesh, who won the seventh and ninth race.
Mohit Saini won the eighth race. They were closely followed by Vishnu Saravanan of TSC, who finished at third position in races eight and nine.
In RS:X, wind speed ranged between 12 to 22 knots and only four participants could complete Race no seven. Seven competitors could finish Race no 8 and six competitors in race number 9 respectively out of 15 surfers taking part.