"I was in Mumbai when Satyam was scouting for faces for the character and did not attend the audition then," says Raima, whose character of 'Imli' is a bubbly, vivacious girl not losing hope despite hardships in life.
"And so when one fine morning I got his offer for the role, I was pleasantly surprised. I asked him didn't you come across any other female actor in Kolkata? You didn't even know me earlier," Raima said.
On the character of her co-actor Salim Diwan in the film, Raima said there are aspirants who consider themselves as gifted but seldom get a break.
"This is very very true. I had myself seen such people in Mumbai," Raima said and asserted that she seldom gets an edge over others for being from a well-known family of film personalities and is still working to prove her mettle in each and every work.
Ashish Vidyarthi, who is also part of the cast, said, "The film is about the extent people are ready to go to realise their dreams.