The Narendra Modi led government's first survey pointed that not all the money put into subsidy schemes reaches the poor while attributing rise in fiscal deficit after 2008-09 to increase in subsidies.
"Subsidy programmes are particularly problematic when they hamper changes in prices and the consequent shifts in resource allocation which must take place."
"Therefore, it is increasingly feasible to identify households below the poverty line and give them cash. The new technologies of biometric identification and payments through mobile phones have created a range of new possibilities for the design of programmes," the survey said.
Citing an example, it said: "When the price of diesel rises, in the medium term the economy shifts away from diesel. But this adaption is blocked if the price of diesel is not actually raised. When the purchase price of cereals is raised, cereal production becomes more attractive, even though consumers might want more non-cereals."
"As per the Controller General of Accounts (CGA), the major subsidies in 2013-14 amounted to Rs 2,47,596 crore, well above revised estimates," the survey underlined.