'The Death and Life of John F Donovan' tells the story of fictional actor Donovan, famous for playing a Marvel-style superhero, whose life and career are turned upside-down when his private correspondence with an 11-year-old fan is exposed and made to look indecent by a villainous gossip columnist, said the Hollywood Reporter.
Bates, 66, is being slated for the role of Donovan's high-powered manager, while Sarandon, 68, will play Harington's mother.
"I'm so psyched about working with these two wonderful, mythical actresses. My excitement is almost convulsive," " Dolan said.
The filmmaker has been a favorite on the festival circuit ever since his first feature, 'I Killed My Mother' - made when the actor-turned-filmmaker was only 19 years old - took top honours in the Directors' Fortnight at Cannes.
But it's Dolan's fifth feature, 'Mommy', set to be released on January 23.