The 45-year-old presenter features in Timberlake's upcoming DreamWorks Animation film "Trolls" voicing his character Branch's grandmother Grandma Rosiepuff in the British version of the movie, reported Female First.
Speaking on a VT during UK TV show "Good Morning Britain", which is co-presented by Susanna, the 35-year-old star said: "Good morning Britain! Susanna look you're here with us! You play my grandmother in 'Trolls'. You look way too young... I have a super-hot grandmother!"
Co-star Anna Kendrick agreed with Timberlake as she said, "Your grandma's a babe."
"Oh my god, that's astonishing! I didn't know you got all that! That is very cool though, Timberlake doing the whole 'You look too young to be a granny'," he said.