Fifteen new ministers, 14 from the BJP quota and Pashupati Kumar Paras of the LJP were allotted bungalows in place of their incumbents in the previous Grand Alliance government, according to an office order of the Bihar Building Construction department dated August 29.
While Sushil Modi will move into 5 Desh Ratna Marg bungalow, its previous occupant Tejaswi Yadav will now get 1 Polo Road bungalow of Sushil Modi.
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After new office order, the department would now serve eviction notices on the present occupants of the RJD and Congress, who were part of the Grand Alliance government, which came to power in November, 2015.
Interestingly, however, the two former Congress ministers including former education minister Ashok Choudhary and Animal Husbandry Department minister Awadhesh Kumar Singh have been allowed to retain their government bungalows triggering political speculations.
Among others, Agriculture minister Prem Kumar has got 3, Circular Road bunglow, Road Construction department minister Nand Kishore Yadav 2, Strand Road), land revenue minister Ram Narayan Mandal (12, Strand Road) and Tourism minister Pramod Kumar 4, Strand Road.
LJP president and Union minister Ramvilas Paswan's brother Pashupati Kumar Paras, who is in the Animal Husbandry department in the new cabinet of Nitish Kumar, has been allotted 11 Stand Road building.
Asked about possible politics in taking away bunglow from Tejaswi Yadav and Tej Pratap Yadav among others, senior BJP leader and Road Construction department said it was a routine exercise by the department to provide residence to ministers of the day.