"I would like to draw your attention towards the issue of post-matric scholarship which is given to students belonging to Dalit, backward and extremely-backward category students. Instead of taking action against those involved in the scam surfaced in this regard, the government decided to put a cap of Rs 15,000 as scholarship against the earlier limit of Rs 1 lakh to 1.5 lakh. The decision has forced students to shelve their studies midway," Modi said.
Reminding Kumar about his commitment towards providing scholarships to these students on a regular basis, Modi said, the sudden decision to put a cap on scholarship amount is betrayal to thousands of students who had taken admissions in various institutions on government's assurance.
The annual fee of any private technical institution hovers around Rs 1 lakh to 1.5 lakh, he said, adding that students, who took admission in the past three years, got merely one or two instalments under the scholarship scheme but after that the payment of scholarship amount was stopped.
The government's move would force those students to shelve their studies who have got admitted in various technical and non-technical institutes, Modi said, adding that several institutes have threatened the students to expel them for their failure to deposit fees.
"So I would request the Chief Minister to implement his commitments towards scholarships meant for Dalit and backward students. Kumar should take necessary steps to ensure payment of fees to those students who have already got admission in various institutes so that their studies are not hampered," he said.