The company had incurred a net loss of Rs 1,058.90 crore in the same period a year ago. The figures are after taking into account the share in minority interest, it said in a statement today.
In the first quarter (ended June) of current fiscal, the firm's total income climbed to Rs 4,671.99 crore from Rs 3,896.71 crore in the year-ago period, reflecting an increase of about 20 per cent.
"The recent Union Budget includes several policy measures which will have a positive impact on the wind energy sector in India.
According to the wind turbine maker, there has been sustained increase in sales volumes and the re-instatement of accelerated depreciation policy would "bolster growth for the wind energy sector".
"We continue to maintain a strong order book at 4.9 GW, valued at USD 7 billion. On the liability management front, we have successfully completed last leg with the restructuring of FCCBs (Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds)," Suzlon Energy's Group Head of Finance Kirti Vagadia said.